Teleflora's Whimsical Dragonfly Bouquet
Gorgeously glazed and bursting with beauty, this delightfully food-safe dragonfly pitcher presents a colorful Mother's Day bouquet today, and will serve mom's favorite beverages for years to come!
Gorgeously glazed and bursting with beauty, this delightfully food-safe dragonfly pitcher presents a colorful Mother's Day bouquet today, and will serve mom's favorite beverages for years to come!
Gorgeously glazed and bursting with beauty, this delightfully food-safe dragonfly pitcher presents a colorful Mother's Day bouquet today, and will serve mom's favorite beverages for years to come!
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in USD ($)
14 3/4" H
14 1/2" W
Standard - $79.99
14 3/4" H
15" W
Deluxe - $89.99