Teleflora's Playful Pitcher Bouquet
Her heart is sure to fly when this charming Mother's Day gift arrives, featuring a glorious bouquet of roses in a food-safe ceramic pitcher with luminous lavender glaze and delightful dragonfly motif!
Her heart is sure to fly when this charming Mother's Day gift arrives, featuring a glorious bouquet of roses in a food-safe ceramic pitcher with luminous lavender glaze and delightful dragonfly motif!
Her heart is sure to fly when this charming Mother's Day gift arrives, featuring a glorious bouquet of roses in a food-safe ceramic pitcher with luminous lavender glaze and delightful dragonfly motif!
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in USD ($)
13 1/3" H
14" W
Standard - $84.99
14" H
14" W
Deluxe - $94.99